Hello, I am coach Spells
I am very honored to be able to serve the many families and athletes from through-out the central coast and surrounding areas.
About our Program:
Speed Development is a track and field development program created to develop an athlete’s proper running mechanics. Speed Development’s training methods will help your athlete develop the necessary running form to enable your them to compete on an even playing field with other track and field athletes.
All Speed Development athletes will receive age specific training for their relevant level of performance. Speed Development athletes are required to commit to excellence not only on the track, but in the classroom, and in our community. Speed Development is a very demanding program with very high expectations. This program is very structured and is not for every athlete or for every family.
1 - You Can Learn to run faster
2 - Sprinting Is A Learned Skill
3 - It's About Proper Force Aplication
4 - Understanding Field Management
1 - Stretching
2 - Dynamic Warm-up’s
3 - Body Posture
4 - Arm Action
5 - Lower Body Position
6 - Proper Foot Position
7 - Ground Contact
8 - Force Application
9 - Cycling Mechanics
10 - Starting Blocks